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WIR: Top 5 Finishers in the WWE in the 2010’s Era – #1 RKO

The RKO is the #1 finisher on the list for many reasons. The RKO is an iconic finisher that might be the most versatile finisher of all time.

Randy Orton Top 10 RKO (Must Watch) by Aftaba247

The RKO can be hit mid-air, from a running start, against a running opponent, after reversing a finisher, while reversing a finisher, as a setup, and as an out of nowhere finisher. The RKO is also a visually appealing move that strikes fast and hard and convincingly puts the opponent down for the three count. Other finishers on this list are executed well, are versatile, have great impact, great setup, and more, and so does the RKO. What sets the RKO apart is the sheer amount of positions it can and HAS been hit from and the sheer surprise that overtakes the audience when it is hit from out of nowhere.

Other finishers can be hit from out of nowhere, but none work quite like the RKO. The way that Randy Orton can hit it in a split second after taking a beat down or pushing someone off of him, or even just popping up out of nowhere after feigning injury is amazing and one of the reasons the RKO is the #1 finisher on this list and one of the greatest of all time. Add ON THAT THE RKo can be a jumping move, a running move, or a move done off the rebound, or even when Randy is mid-air himself, and it expands the versatility of it.

The RKO’s credibility is also a contributing factor. It has felled the likes of Mick Foley, John Cena, Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Batista, Ric Flair, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Rey Mysterio, Kurt Angle, Triple H, Jeff Hardy, CM Punk, and many more.

Top Ten RKO’s by legendkiller123

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