Tag Archives: Wyatt Family

WIR: Top 5 Finishers in the WWE in the 2010’s Era – #4 Sister Abigail

Bray Wyatt’s Sister Abigail comes in at #4 due to the explosiveness of the move, the innovation of Bray Wyatt when he uses it, and the versatility of it since it can be both a set up move and a quick, out of nowhere finisher.

Big Show vs. Bray Wyatt: SmackDown WWE Show by MisterSexyBuzz

The Sister Abigail is great because it can be hit on any opponent and be believable and it always has an explosive, snap-like impact that just looks like it hurts and could knock anyone unconscious. At first it started out as simply a good finisher, one that fit Bray’s character. He would take his prone opponent, dance with them, and then kiss the on the head and BAM! slam their head to the mat. It was creepy, weird, impactful, and effective, all descriptors that work well with his gimmick.

Bray Wyatt catches Mysterio in a quick Sister Abigail

Then Bray got creative, he started catching people mid run and hitting them with only the quick and impactful part, truly surprising all that were watching and making for awesome moments. He also began doing a running version himself, for more of the ‘out of nowhere’ feel which also made the move seem pretty awesome.

Finally, the one thing that makes the Sister Abigail a top finisher is it’s credibility. Not only does it look realistic, not only can it switch from set up to quick and out of nowhere, but as of late almost no one has kicked out of it, which just boosts its status as a deadly and awesome finisher.

John Cena, Roman Reigns, Daniel Bryan, and more have all fallen to the Sister Abigail.

Cena being hit with the Sister Abigail

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